

About Us

Thousands of companies are effortlessly growing their email lists with Raek. Raek captures your website visitors’ contact information without forms.

Raek was created by marketers who were spending time and resources driving traffic to their websites only to have a small percentage of visitors convert. Frustrated with the inability to capture information from more visitors, we built the tool we wanted – a tool that told us who was on our website and how to contact them. Raek allowed us to increase the ROI on our marketing spend, capture more leads, and gain the ability to market to website visitors in real time.

It worked so well that we told our friends about it, they told their friends, and we discovered that the more people that use Raek the better it gets for everyone. Raek is a network of businesses all working together to democratize data. We believe that first party data is the key to being able to compete in the digital space and we’re on a mission to help as many businesses as we can take ownership of their data.


  • Identify anonymous website visitors
  • Increase marketing ROI
  • Capture more leads
  • Market to website visitors in real time


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Rep/Contact Info

Cory Crapes